Our HR Vision
To ensure internal customer satisfaction by implementing effective human resources policies in Wtatil.com in order to increase efficiency and ensure external customer and shareholder satisfaction.
Our HR Policy
As Human Resources at Wtatil.com, our main policy is to create and develop Human Resources systems and processes that will maximize the efficiency and productivity of our employees in a constantly developing and changing world.
Our policy based on this foundation;
- Placing the right human resource in the right position
- Finding creative and self-developing human resources and ensuring their belonging to the company by motivating them
- To continuously improve the existing human resources personally and technically
- To establish and manage a fair and objective performance system rewarding success
- To make an effective career planning for its human resources
- Combining all these elements with technology in order to increase productivity and creating a suitable working environment
Our HR Values
- Honesty
- Responsibility, ownership and sensitivity
- trust and justice
- Respect
- Continuing education and development
- Effectiveness and success in teamwork
- Effective communication and information sharing
Our HR Goals
- Determining selection and placement criteria
- Creating personnel regulations and procedures
- To determine the training and development process
- Establishment of talent management process
- Establishment of reward and punishment system
- Establishment of compensation management
- Establishment of performance appraisal management
- Establishment of personal development and career planning management
- Determining the communication process
- Improving the personnel and personnel affairs process